13th IFAC Workshop on
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, 12-14 August 2019

Register Here!

Paper Submission Site

Final Paper Submission Deadline 
May 15th, 2019

Special Accommodation Offer from            
Residence & Conference Centre - Oshawa

Promotional Rates for Hotel
Accommodation during IMS 2019

National Organizing Committee

Ahmad Barari
University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Marcos Tsuzuki
Universidade de São Paulo

International Program Committee

Benoit Iung
Lorraine University

Marco Macchi
Politecnico di Milano

Ahmad Barari, Canada
Alexander Kühl, Germany
Amir Monjazeb, Canada
Andrew Kusiak, United State
Armand Baboli, France
Benoit Iung, France
Christos Emmanouilidis, United Kingdom
Damien Trentesaux, France
David Romero, Mexico
Dmitry Ivanov, France
Edmont Hajrizi, Kosovo
Evgueni Bordatchev, Canada
Franz-Josef Villmer, Germany
Frederic Vanderhagen, France
Hind Bril el Haouzi, France
Hossam Kishawy, Canada
Jana Abou Ziki, Canada
Janusz Szpytko, Poland
Jay Lee, Unite State
Jose Reinaldo Silva, Brazil
Jill Urbanic, Canada
Jurek Sasiadek, Canada
Marco Macchi, Italy
Marcos Tsuzuki, Brazil
M. T. Ahmadian, Iran
Marek Zaremba, Canada
Paul Valckenaers, Belgium
Paulo Jorge Pinto Leitao, Potugal
Peter Kopacek, Austria
Remus Tutunea-Fatan, Canada
Rajkumar Roy, United Kingdom
Sayyed Ali Hosseini, Canada
Sergio Cavalieri, Italy
Shimon Y. Nof, United State
Yuval Cohen, Israel
Zbigniew Banaszak, Poland




13th IFAC Workshop on
Intelligent Manufacturing Systems
(IMS 2019) ‐ Sunday August 11, 2019

Welcome Reception at Jubilee Banquet & Conference
Centre on Sunday August 11, 2019

Join us for the welcome reception of the 13th Intelligent Manufacturing Systems workshop right beside the Great Lake Ontario. The welcome reception will be held on Sunday, August 11, 2019,from 5;00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Welcome Reception
15:00-16:30 SuRE
[UA Building Atrium]
17:00-19:00 SuWR
Welcome Reception 

[The Jubilee Banquet & Conference Centre]
55 Lakeview Park Avenue Oshawa, ON L1H-8S7 

Note: Bus leaves the campus at 4:30 PM
Bus Loads in front of Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre (left side of UA Building) 

IMS 2019 Technical Program ‐ Monday August 12, 2019

TrackT1 TrackT2
08:00-17:00 MoRE
Room: UA 1240
A light continental breakfast is available at UA 1140 
MoOS Room: UA 1140
Opening Ceremony
08:45-09:30 MoPL
Room: UA 1140
Industrial Asset and Maintenance Management in the Smart Factory: Challenges and Opportunities Brought by Digitalization
MoAT0 Room: UA 1140
Smart Production Control for Industry 4.0 I
10:30-11:00 MoAM_CR
Coffee Break – Networking with Industries
[UA Atrium]
11:00-12:30 MoBT0
Room: UA 1140
Digital Twins for Smart Manufacturing
Industrial Workshop I – Room UA 1220 
12:30-14:00 MoL_R
[South Village Dining Hall]
14:00-15:30 MoCT1
UA 1140
Enterprise Maturity Driven Planning
for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems I
14:00-15:30 MoCT2
UA 1220
Production Planning and Logistics
15:30-16:00 MoPM_CR
Coffee Break
[UA Atrium]
16:00-17:30 MoDT1
UA 1140
Enterprise Maturity Driven Planning
for Sustainable Manufacturing Systems II
16:00-17:30 MoDT2
UA 1220
Flexible Manufacturing Systems


18:00-20:30 MoSD                                           18:00 – 19:00
                      SkyDiving                                     Tour to Automotive Center of
                                                                          Excellence (ACE) 

IMS 2019 Technical Program ‐ Tuesday August 13, 2019

TrackT1  TrackT2
08:30-09:15 TuTS
Room: UA 2220
A light continental breakfast is available at UA 1140
09:30-10:30 TuAT0
Room: UA 1140
Smart Production Control for Industry4.0 II
Industrial Workshop II – Room UA 1220
10:30-11:00 TuAM_CR
Coffee Break-– Networking with Industries
[UA Atrium]
11:00-12:30 TuBT0
Room: UA 1140
Additive Manufacturing Technologies for On-Demand Production and Personalized Products I
12:30-14:00 TuL_R
[South Village Dining Hall]
14:00-15:30 TuCT1
Room: UA 1140
Additive Manufacturing Technologies for
On-Demand Production and Personalized Products II
14:00-15:30 TuCT2
Room: UA 1220
               Smart Machining                                 
15:30-16:00 TuPM_CR
Coffee Break
[UA Atrium]
16:00-17:30 TuDT1
Room: UA 1140
Miniature Manufacturing and Intelligent
Surfaces Engineering
16:00-17:30 TuDT2
Room: UA 1220
Quality and Manufacturing 


19:30-22:30 TuBanquet
Gala Dinner
[Deer Creek Golf and Banquet Facility]
Note: Bus leaves the campus at 6:30 PM
Bus Loads in front of Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre
(left side of UA Building)

IMS 2019 Technical Program ‐ Wednesday August 14, 2019

Closing day
08:30-12:00 WeGM
GM Tour
[Bus from leaves from the north campus]
Note: Bus leaves the campus at 8:30 AM
Bus Loads in front of Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre
(left side of UA Building) 
12:30-14:00 WeL_B
[South Village Dining Hall]
14:00-14:45 WePL
Room: UA 1140
Imperative Foundations Toward Intelligent Manufacturing: Matching up the Technology with the Business Value
14:45-16:45 WeA1
Room: UA 1140
Industrial Applications
16:45-17:00 WePM_CB
Room: UA 1140
Closing Ceremony 
17:00-18:00 WeClC
Farewell Reception
[UA Atrium]