Smart production control for Industry 4.0
In the new global economy, the fourth industrial revolution or Industry 4.0 features smart and networked technologies that improve significantly business and manufacturing operations. Generally, smart production systems, which manage these technologies, integrate tightly the networking communication, the information processing, the sensing and actuation capabilities, the computing and the control mechanism to achieve stability, performance and reliability in many application domains [1, 2]. These systems have a critical role for the efficiency and effectiveness of these operations [3]. For this reason, researchers have focuses in improving the control of the smart production, as it plays a vital role to support the Industry 4.0 needs. The smart functionality can firstly be at the heart of the configuration of the control of the production system. Then, the functionality is based on the configuration of the constituent components, the structural arrangement, the behavioral functioning and the dynamic progression during execution [4]. Nonetheless, and secondly, the smart functionality is also given by a smart orchestration of the networked technologies. For this reason, the aim of this invited session is to gather original research involving novel or in-progress mechanism, tools, models or frameworks proposing interesting approaches for improving the smart production control for industry 4.0. Indeed, approaches targeting both global/local performance indicators, such as sustainable, operational or economic indicators, or increasing the smartness in the control of production systems.This invited session calls high-quality papers investigating research problems, case studies and application papers related to the concept. It is expected original contributions related, but not limited, to the smartness features in production control.
Then, we call the following topics for the invited session:
- Smart configuration for cyber-physical systems
- Artificial intelligence in production control
- Distributed Control and sustainable distributed control
- Smart factories and industrial internet of things
- Smart products and processes
- Cyber-physical Production Systems
- Planning and Scheduling for Smart production
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